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Driver Downloads
Driver Files
  • File Name
  • File Size
  • File Name
  • File Size
  • File Name
  • File Size
  • iaAHCI.cat
  • 11 K
  • iaAHCI.inf
  • 6 K
  • iaStorE.sys
  • 1 MB
  • iaStorF.sys
  • 36 K
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    How to use the downloaded file?

    If you download an EXE executable file, you can run and install it directly.

    If you download a compressed file, such as: ZIP or RAR, you must use the decompression tool to extract the files before you can get the driver files that can be run.

    You still have no decompression tools? It is recommended to use "7.ZIP" to extract files. 7.zip is a free open source program (http://www.7-zip.org)

    Download 7-Zip for Windows: 32-bit x86 64-bit x64

    Driver Finder:

    • Can't find the required driver files?
    • Don't know how to find driver files?
    • Unable to download driver files due to unstable network?
    You can try using this driver file finder. The method of use is very simple. The program will automatically list all the driver files available for your current system. You can install drivers for devices that do not have drivers installed, and you can also upgrade drivers to the latest driver version for devices that have already installed drivers. Click here to download the driver finder.

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